Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jumping off the cliff

Well it's finally actually happening.  As much as my brain tries to deny it, I will be leaving for the Peace Corps for two years of service in Senegal in exactly one week.  This begs the question, how did I get here?  Well that deceptively simple question is one that I have been trying to wrap my head around lately.  Somewhere between annoying my friends and family with activist clubs, volunteering for various things, and oh yeah going to school 12 hours a day as a theatre major, I decided it might be fun to go into the Peace Corps after college, to take some time and do something meaningful and good for the world... so I applied... and low and behold they took me.  One might think that the logical progression from application to acceptance would thus culminate in departure oversees... yes one might think that, but my brain is exceedingly stubborn and will certainly not believe any of this is actually happening until I land in Dakar, Senegal on August 11th.

Denial or no denial, there is packing to be done!  It amazes me actually how fully I have engaged with American consumerism before supposedly living a simpler life in Africa.  I have been shopping non stop, and frankly will be perfectly happy if I never enter another Wall-Mart again in my life.  Thanks to my dad and his connections in the outdoor industry I have gotten some pretty spectacular gear.  I feel a bit like MacGyver with all of my gadgets: a solar panel, a storage battery, rechargeable AA's and AAA's, adapters, cables for everything, medical supplies, a 4 band world phone, a dry bag for my laptop, 2 UV water purifiers, 2 ceramic water filters capable of filtering enough water for 40 people per day, and a digital camera waterproof down to 33ft deep.  That's just the tip of the iceberg.  Here are the most recent pictures of my piles of stuff.

And my solar panel and battery.  I'm pretty sure this will come in handy :-)

Without a doubt this transition is going to be hard.  I will miss friends and family and most of all Hannah, but hopefully she will wait for me.  It's only two years honey ;-).  Sorry to get corny, I won't do it too often, I promise.  Hopefully this blog will help everyone to feel connected to me and me to them during this time.  I promise to be as interesting and funny as possible, and if all goes well I may get a few poignant or profound moments... we'll see :-).  Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back here soon!

Au Revoir!


  1. Yay, a blog! I was hoping you'd start one!! Good luck with everything. I'm really looking forward to reading about your adventure.

  2. I'm so glad that you decided to start a blog. We will need to keep up with your adventures, escapades, and wish list. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

    I've enjoyed the first installment. How many duffles will it take to get all your gear over to Africa?

  3. Dear Garrison, I enjoyed reading your blog, looking forward to more--was announced in CSUC email. I'm writing a book about global youth viewpoints, would appreciate your help getting the book questions to youth. Here they are in French. Merci bien, Gayle

    Cher Etudiant(e),
    Je répondrai à votre première question et je mettrai vos points de vue dans un nouveau livre pour enfants. Je prends des réponses des jeunes partout dans le monde, âgé 19 et moins. Je les comparerai par âge, sexe et location. S’il vous plaît, dites-moi si vous vous intéressez à lire les réponses des autres pays.

    1. Si vous pouvez demander une question sur « la vie » à la plus sage personne au monde, quelle serait la question ?
    2. Dans la vie quotidienne, qu’est-ce qui vous énervez ? C’est la même chose pour vos frères ou sœurs ?
    3. Si vous pouvez changer une caractéristique des adultes, qu’est-ce que vous changeriez ?
    4. Si vous pouvez changer une caractéristique de vous-même, qu’est-ce que vous changeriez ?
    5. Qu’est-ce que vous faites pour vous amuser ?
    6. A quel moment avez-vous senti le plus aimé par quelqu’un(e) ?
    7. Pourquoi, à votre avis, est-ce que vous vivez sur la terre ? Que voyez-vous comme votre but sur la terre ?
    8. Sur une échelle de 1 jusqu’à 100, comment est-ce que vous notez votre école ou lycée ? Pourquoi ?
    9. Quel travaille est-ce que vous aimeriez faire quand vous êtes adulte ?
    10. Si vous étiez le président de votre pays, quels changements feriez-vous ?

    Voudriez-vous ajouter d’autres choses ? Votre adresse d’email ?
    Quel prénom pouvons-nous utiliser quand vous êtes cité dans le livre ?
    Quel est votre âge ?
    Êtes-vous un garçon ou une fille ?
    Vous êtes de quelle ville, quel état/ région et quel pays ?

    Merci beaucoup de votre participation,
    Gayle Kimball, Ph. D

  4. And in English--

    Greetings from California. I'm writing a book that gives you and other young people around the world an opportunity to say what's on your mind. This is your chance to be heard. Many of you have wonderful suggestions for how to make our world a better to live in, so I'm asking people age 19 and under to respond to 10 questions. I have translations in other language.
    See for the questions and photos of schools and students I’ve visited on three continents. Also see
    (I’ve written other peer-based books for youth, including The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide and How to Survive Your Parents’ Divorce: Kids’ Advice to Kids.) Please also forward to kids and their teachers so they can be part of the global youth book.
    Thanks, Gayle Kimball, Ph.D.

    1. If you could ask a question of the wisest person in the world,
    what would you ask her or him about life?
    2. What bothers you in your daily life? What practice best helps you stay calm?
    3. If there was one thing you could change about adults, what
    would it be?
    4. What would you like to change about yourself?
    5. What do you like to do for fun?
    6. When have you felt most loved by someone else?
    7. Why do you think you’re here on earth; what’s your purpose? How are you influenced by global media (TV, Internet, advertisements, etc?)
    8. On a scale of 1 to 100, how highly would you grade your
    school? Why?
    9. What work would you like to do when you're an adult?
    10. If you were the leader of your country, what changes would you make?
    11. Imagine you get to write on a T-shirt going on a trip around the world. What do you want your T-mail to say to people?

    What questions are missing that you’d like to answer? Your email. . . . . . .
    What first name would you like used in the book to quote you?
    How old are you?
    Girl or boy?
    What city and country do you live in?
    Gracias! Merci! Danke! Arrigato! Chi chi!
